Find locations. Zip codes can sometimes be referred to as postal codes or post code. 66K likes. Share Article: admin. Your email address will not be published. ADEF CENTER. Find locations. See Publication 141, Global Express Guaranteed Service Guide, for information about areas served in the destination country, allowable contents, packaging and labeling requirements, tracking and tracing, service standards, and other conditions for mailing. For example, you reside at Bello Way in Benin City, the postal code of that address is just a number code used instead of the words. Abomey-Calavi Atlantique Code postal, CEP, CAP, CPA, Eircode, PLZ, Postnummer, ZIP code, 郵便番号 Post code Cod poștal liste de codes postaux, code postal, liste de tous les codes postaux, codes postaux par ville, liste des codes postaux par comté, qu'est-ce qu'un code postal Abomey-Calavi. Benin (/ b ɛ ˈ n iː n / ben-EEN, / b ɪ ˈ n iː n / bin-EEN; French: Bénin), officially the Republic of Benin (French: République du Bénin) and formerly known as Dahomey, is a country in West Africa.It is bordered by Togo to the west, Nigeria to the east, Burkina Faso to the north-west, and Niger to the north-east. La ville est délimitée au su… Questa pagina include il seguente contenuto: Metodo del codice, Esempio di busta e Formato indirizzo, il modo di scrivere correttamente il codice postale, il link di riferimento per le richieste del codice postale. In most cases, the streets in all areas have similar ZIP codes and postal codes. The primary characteristics of the Postal Code are that it usually comes with digits or numbers, but on some occasions, postal codes appear as the coming together of both digits and numbers. Villes et villages voisins : Sô-Ava, Bopa et Cotonou. Sort by: Distance; Name A-Z; 1 – 15 of 421. February 5, 2014 Belize Postal Codes. Abomey-Calavi est une ville du sud du Bénin, chef-lieu de la commune du même nom et préfecture du département de l'Atlantique.. Sommaire. Edo state has Benin City as its capital. Benin doesn’t use post codes or even zip codes yet. If you are looking for Benin city postal code, you are in the right place as this article contain all the postcode of all areas in the state capital and it has been updated to reflect new additions. I hope this article will be helpful to you in that regard. Lagos Postal Code / Zip Code / PostCode Town Area, Abuja Postal Code 900001, Garki Postal head office, Port Harcourt Postal Code / Zip Code / Postcode, 22. A. Abomey Calavi : Localisation d'Abomey-Calavi : Pays Bénin, Département Atlantique. Address Agent. There is various importance of this postal code in the life of a Nigerian today, some of such benefits is that it is used to improve statistics, it is very crucial for marketing; postal code is used in incorporating credit card system thereby reducing the rate of theft and robbery; it is also used to surf an internet. Benin Town Area Zip Codes Area: Evbotube Streets Zip Codes 2nd Cemetry Rd. Below you will find a list of Benin postal code, ZIP codes … A. contributions for 2019: 1a, 1b, 1c, 1d, 1e, 1f, 1g, 2b, 2c, 3a, 3c, 4b, 5a plans for 2020: 1a, 1b, 1c, 1d, 1e, 1f, 1g, 2b, 3a Mission. Staff; Who We Are; Statement of Faith; History; Cornerstone YTH; Articles/Sermon Notes; Locations & Service Times; Events Calendar – All Locations Superficie: 539 km2 Limites géographiques: Nord : Commune de Zè, Sud: Océan atlantique, Est: Commune de Cotonou et commune de So-Ava, Ouest: Commune de Ouidah et Commune de Tori … Benin City postal code is the same as the ZIP code and the postcode. It has several districts/wards which make use of a wide range of postal or zip codes.… Your postal code is just your address in digit codes. February 5, 2014 Botswana Postal Codes. For example, you reside at Bello Way in Benin City, the postal code of that address is just a number code used instead of the words. Abomey-Calavi Atlantique zip code list, postal code, list of all zip codes, zip codes by city, zip code list by county, what is a postal code Kodhe pos|PIN code|Postcode|CAP|Code postal|CPI|Código postal|Kod pocztowy|Irányítószám|Eircode|Kodi Postar|NPA|Pasta indekss|PLZ|Postnummer|Poçt indeksi|CPA Abomey-Calavi. And this Zip Codes is so essential for sorting of mails. Our complete resource of Republic of Benin area codes will help you make your call to Porto-Novo and other Beninese cities. Objectives []. Recent Posts. You should know they all mean the same thing and it’s okay to use them interchangeably. University of Abomey-Calavi (UAC) is located in Cotonou, Littoral, Benin. Questa è la Benin pagina del codice postale. Posez vos questions et parcourez les 3 200 000 messages actuellement en ligne. That aside, what brought you here is benin city zip code which are all contained in this article, but you should have an idea of what a postal code is and why do you even need them. Looking through the postal codes of Benin city listed above, it will not be that tedious to search for a zip code of any areas or districts in Benin City. Required fields are marked *. Open now. District Ikpoba: Zip code (300211) Akugbe street 300211; 2. It is locally known as Université d'Abomey-Calavi.The university was established in 1970. Phenotypic and Genotypic Characterization of Extended Spectrum β-Lactamase Klebsiella pneumoniae and Fluorescent Pseudomonas spp. Search country. Your email address will not be published. Created in 2015, « Bénin Web Tv » is a digital platform that is in line with new information consumption habits As such, « Bénin Web Tv » wants to be 100% online television The world news – Benin – Amendment of the law on the digital code: list of deputies initiating the bill – Benin Web TV ETS DONATEL AGENCE TROIS ETAGE. Caractéristiques; Potentialités; Galerie; Caractéristiques. Benin City is the capital of Edo State, Nigeria.It has several districts/wards which make use of a wide range of postal or zip codes. Nowadays, almost everything is being translated into codes which makes this easier. Benin City Postal Code/Zip Code 2020 By Sherif June 7, 2020 Nigeria 0 Comments Listing out the complete Postal Code of Benin City, Located close to 320 East by Road towards Lagos and Benin River of North by 40 km. BJ Alpha-2. 300271 2nd Uzama Rd. Enter ZIP/Postal Code or City. Enter ZIP/Postal Code or City. For example, you reside at Bello Way in Benin City, the postal code of that address is just a number code used instead of the words. Second Akhughe Avenue 300211; 3. - Ville et Village du monde Abomey-Calavi est situé sur un plateau de terre avec des côtes sablonneuses1. It is a city known for its rich culture especially in dressing and also being the center of the oil and rubber production industry of the country. Akugbe Street 300211; 7. Use current location. About Us. Département de Physique FAST, Formation Doctorale Sciences des Matériaux FDSM, Université d’Abomey, Calavi, Bénin It is accredited by Ministère de l Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche Scientifique, Benin. Cross Road 300211; 6. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. More filters. Size Limits (). Main objectives of Wikimédiens du Bénin User Group are: Develop at national scale a community of active contributors capable to edit articles about Bénin, its story, culture and people. Benin Postal Codes. The ZIP code for Benin City comprises of nine digits. Edo state has Benin City as its capital. Open now. More filters. 0.00 km. 300271 Edo State 300271 Ehalkpen St. 300271 Ehevedin St. 300271 Ekhoragbon St. 300271 Evbotubu Rd. Enter ZIP/Postal Code or City. This combination is majorly used in logistic services mostly when sending goods from one part of the country to another or from another country to a particular part of the country. Search country. Abomey-Calavi is a city, arrondissement, and commune located in the Atlantique Department of Benin.It is now essentially a suburb of Cotonou and at its closest it begins approximately 18 km from the city centre of Cotonou. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Le nom de pays à deux lettres de Bénin est BJ, le nom de pays à trois lettres est BEN. A. 10.16 km. This page includes the following content: code method, envelope example and address format, the way of writing the postal code … The Oil Production and the Rubber Industry which are the most visible industries of Nigeria are located in Benin City. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Your email address will not be published. Avec plus de 600 000 habitants en 2013, elle est la deuxième commune la plus peuplée du Bénin, juste derrière Cotonou. These list below are the Zip Code or Postal Code of Benin City. Ajayi street 300211; 5. 300271 Abu St. 300271 Agbo St. 300271 Aghimier St. 300271 Bandel St. 300271 Children Medicals Sch. The main cities of the commune are Abomey-Calavi itself and Godomey to the south. Benin City Postal Code – Zip Codes of Edo Capital, Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window). Use current location. There are many roads found within this locality. Nigerian postal codes are 6 digits in number as arranged by the Nigerian Postal Service (NIPOST) that … Here are the postcodes for areas located within Benin city: Listing out the complete Postal Code of Benin City, Located close to 320 East by Road towards Lagos and Benin River of North by 40 km. Universite D'Abomey-Calavi, Cotonou, Benin. Postes Canada peut, à sa seule discrétion, limiter le nombre de recherches que vous faites à l’aide de l’outil Trouver un code postal, sur une base quotidienne ou autre. Strains from Market Garden Products and Their Watering Water in Benin (West Africa). Search country. Il s'agit de la page Bénin code de publication. Amministrazione. Benin City is the capital of Edo State, Nigeria. Advertisements. Les bénéfices des ventes vont pour le fonctionnement de notre état et faire des actions humanitaires ... origin postal code… Coordinated Universal Time (UTC): UTC+1. Your email address will not be published. calavi 00229 - forum Bénin - Besoin d'infos sur Bénin ? February 5, 2014 0 Comments. Your postal code is just your address in digit codes. Okay, now you have an idea of what postal codes are, let’s get to the major thing which is the postcode of streets and areas in Benin. Nigerian postal codes are 6 digits in number as arranged by the Nigerian Postal Service (NIPOST) that makes use of it all the time. During the 20th Century, a postal or Zip Code was launched and it is been distributed to the various geographical location through the help of NIPOST. Université d'Abomey-Calavi, la plus grande université du BENIN. Informations disponibles : Adresse postale, Téléphone, Site Internet, E-Mail, Maire, Coordonnées géographiques, Nombre d'habitants, Superficie, Altitude et Météo. Address Agent. When you provide your postal code, then your address can be easily identified especially when something is going to be delivered to you. Each area has its own zip code or postal code. Progress and plans GBIF Work Programme. Elle est située à 18 kilomètres au Nord de Cotonou, la capitale économique du Bénin. Sort by: Distance; Name A-Z; 121 – 135 of 428. The Great Benin city is the capital of Edo State, it is one of the renowned cities in Nigeria located in the southern part of the country. Residents of this city are known for their body marks, anklets, bangles, raffia work, and beads. L’outil Trouver un code postal ne peut être utilisé qu’à des fins personnelles ou pour des activités commerciales limitées à l’interne. 300271 Edaiy Cr. Edokpolo Street 300211; 8. Nigerian postal codes are 6 digits in number as arranged by the Nigerian Postal Service (NIPOST) that … Wikimédiens du Bénin User Group is the community of volunteer contributors from Benin and its diaspora to Wikimedia foundation projects.. Daylight Saving Time (DST): Cette page comprend le contenu suivant: Méthode du code, Exemple d’enveloppe et Format d’adresse, la façon d’écrire correctement le code postal, lien de référence pour les demandes de code postal. Edoid languages and Edo language are the languages the residents of this town speak. Your postal code is just your address in digit codes. BEN Alpha-3. Cook Road 300211; 4. Nom de pays Bénin Code pays selon la norme ISO (ISO-3166) ISO 3166-1. Police Provisional Headquarters 300212. Z – Pakistan; Y – Pakistan; W – … Abomey-Calavi is a city, arrondissement, and commune located in the Atlantique Department of Benin.It is now essentially a suburb of Cotonou and at its closest it begins approximately 18 km from the city centre of Cotonou. Abomey-Calavi (à ne pas confondre avec Abomey) est une ville du sud du Bénin, chef-lieu de la commune du même nom. If you haven’t been to the City of Benin, you should because there are lots of interesting places to visit. Search country. Enter ZIP/Postal Code or City. Abomey-Calavi Atlantique zip code list, postal code, list of all zip codes, zip codes by city, zip code list by county, what is a postal code Kodhe pos|PIN code|Postcode|CAP|Code postal|CPI|Código postal|Kod pocztowy|Irányítószám|Eircode|Kodi Postar|NPA|Pasta indekss|PLZ|Postnummer|Poçt indeksi|CPA Abomey-Calavi. Required fields are marked *. The main cities of the commune are Abomey-Calavi itself and Godomey to the south. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Bénin surchargé overprint oiseau 175f sur 200f neuf MNH rare at the ... une devise et 3 ambassades (à Troyes, à Cocody, à Cotonou, à Calavi). Home Benin Atlantique Department Abomey Calavi Abomey Calavi, Benin. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Instantly get the Republic of Benin country code and Benin area code to help you make your international call to Benin. These list below are the Zip Code or Postal Code of Benin City. Cotonou Littoral Code postal, CEP, CAP, CPA, Eircode, PLZ, Postnummer, ZIP code, 郵便番号 Post code Cod poștal liste de codes postaux, code postal, liste de tous les codes postaux, codes postaux par ville, liste des codes postaux par comté, qu'est-ce qu'un code postal Cotonou. This is the Benin Post Code page. POSTAL CODE FOR BENIN CITY NIGERIA OR ZIP CODE. Each area has its own zip code or postal code. Home Benin Atlantique Department Abomey Calavi Abomey Calavi, Benin. General Conditions for Mailing . Wassiyath Moussé, Pacôme A. Noumavo, Nicodème W. Chabi, Haziz Sina, Majoie G. … Abomey-Calavi è una città situata nel dipartimento dell'Atlantico nello Stato del Benin con 376.714 abitanti (stima 2006). Some online forms and application require that you input your postal code so it is ideal for you to know it. Les domaines de premier niveau se terminent par .bj, par exemple If i may guess, you are probably looking for zip codes of benin city because you needs it to complete an online purchase. Search the information of the editorial board members by name.
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